Don't waste time flicking through multiple paper catalogues - select from a database of 2500 breast implants in seconds!
Choose the exact implant you need based on volume, width, height, projection or catalogue number.
Silicone and saline implants from Allergan™, Mentor™, Nagor™, Silimed™, Eurosilicone™ are included in this database.
Includes variable fill implants but not breast tissue expander implants (e.g. Spectrum™) in this version.
PIP implants included to make choosing a replacement implant easier
Set search criteria according to implant dimensions and filter results by saline vs silicone, round vs anatomical.
View multiple choices to selected the perfect fit.
Send the selected implant details to your team by email from within the app.
If you have a question about using the app, would like to send some general feedback or have a problem to report then please complete the form below.